Elara Voss, graduated from the Royal College of Art in London with a Master’s in Fine Art. She specializes in contemporary sculpture and installation art, exploring themes of nature and human interaction. Elara’s works have been featured in several group exhibitions across Europe, and she is currently working on her first solo show.

Marcel Breuer’s Modernist Cottage on Cape Cod Sold to Local Trust for Restoration.

After a year of fundraising and negotiation, the Cape Cod Modern House Trust (CCMHT) has acquired Marcel Breuer’s summer house near Wellfleet, Massachusetts. The property will undergo renovations to preserve


American Museum of Natural History Repatriates 100+ Native American Human Remains and 90 Objects

The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) has repatriated the remains of 124 individuals and 90 objects to Indigenous groups in 2024, in compliance with updated federal regulations under the


Second lawsuit over Toronto Modernist landscape spa development dismissed

Toronto’s Ontario Place, a 1971 Modernist landscape designed by Canadian landscape architect Michael Hough, is at the center of a contentious battle over the construction of a mega-spa. Despite legal


10 Essential Tips for Smart Art Investment: How to Build a Valuable Collection

Investing in art can be an exciting and rewarding venture, both aesthetically and financially. But diving into the Art Market without proper knowledge can lead to costly mistakes. Whether you’re


How rising construction costs are shaping modern museum designs

The global museum-building boom continues, with a focus on adaptive reuse and renovations. According to AEA Consulting’s Cultural Infrastructure Index, project sizes have decreased, reflecting economic uncertainty and changing visitor


Ukrainian worker oversees damaged museum in exile

The Mariupol Local History Museum in eastern Ukraine, celebrating its centenary in 2020, faced devastating challenges following Russia’s invasion in 2022. The museum’s director, Natalia Kapustnikova, was shown assisting Russian


British Art Centre Created in London with $12m Donation from Courtauld Institute

The Courtauld, a renowned institution for art history in London, has received a $12m gift from the Manton Foundation to establish a new Centre for British Art. This centre will


Gaza’s historic Greek Orthodox church hit by second Israeli strike

Gaza’s Saint Porphyrius church narrowly avoided destruction for a second time after being hit by an Israeli missile that failed to detonate. The third-oldest church globally, the compound was struck


Blanton Museum of Art Transforms Grounds into Versatile Community Hub

The Blanton Museum of Art recently completed a $35 million renovation of its grounds, focusing on creating a reimagined outdoor space that serves as a gateway and gathering place. Led


Hate Crime Charges Filed Against Activist and Journalist for Vandalism at Brooklyn Museum Leaders’ Residences

Two individuals, including a journalist, have been arrested and charged with hate crimes for an incident in June where pro-Palestine activists sprayed red paint on the homes of the Brooklyn
