US Authorities Return 38 Antiquities to China: A Significant Repatriation Gesture

On the same day that US president Joe Biden called for a tripling of tariffs on imports of some Chinese steel and aluminium, American and Chinese officials gathered for a


Impact of President Milei’s Budget Cuts on Argentine Cultural Workers

The Argentine president, Javier Milei, plans to reduce the public workforce by 15-20% to address the country’s fiscal crisis and eliminate corruption. This includes defunding the Instituto Nacional de Cine


New Singapore Prime Minister Promotes Artistic Support and Freedom: A Positive Sign for the Arts Community

Singapore’s arts community is looking forward to a new era following the handover of power from long-standing Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to his successor Lawrence Wong. As the fourth


Exploring Georgia’s Soviet-Era History in New Tbilisi Exhibition Amid Protests

The Tbilisi Massacre of 9 April 1989, when Soviet troops violently quashed a peaceful protest in the city, remains a poignant memory for the people of Georgia. This date serves


Toronto’s Ontario Place Preservation Efforts Hit Legal Roadblock as Mega-Spa Project Advances

Residents and historians in the Toronto area are fighting to preserve the Canadian heritage site Ontario Place, which is under threat due to plans for the construction of a mega-spa.


The repercussions of Indian PM Modi’s use of heritage in Ayodhya

The construction of the new Ram temple in Ayodhya has been a significant event in India’s cultural and political landscape. Built on the site of the destroyed Babri Masjid mosque,


Second lawsuit over Toronto Modernist landscape spa development dismissed

Toronto’s Ontario Place, a 1971 Modernist landscape designed by Canadian landscape architect Michael Hough, is at the center of a contentious battle over the construction of a mega-spa. Despite legal

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