Anti-white art exhibition supported by Vancouverites

30 thoughts on “Anti-white art exhibition supported by Vancouverites

    Cause it's an open admission of RACE BAITING tactics PROMOTED
    by the Canadian WEF Cabinet Penetrated Govt.

    They HOPED (it's too late, they lost) to PROVOKE DIVISION (oldest trick in the book)
    based upon race, class, religion as their COVER for their engineered COLLAPSE
    of the WEST, as a part of an attempted NWO/Build Back Better/Great Reset.

    Problem is – IT DID US A HUGE FAVOUR as they have AWAKENED EVERYONE
    WORLD WIDE because they are TOO OAFISH, like OGRES, so BLIND due to
    their GREED and compromised away their Humanity…..well, the REST OF US

    Of course if you're an OAFISH OGRE – you cannot FATHOM that you're
    now deeply and widely exposed and have effected the
    EXACT OPPOSITE EFFECT that you intended.

    It's ALMOST LIKE – GOD allowed evil to build a technocracy,
    so that EVIL would be EXPOSED by the 'elite' useful idiots,
    in order to WAKE ALL HUMANITY to then shrug off that
    EVIL once and for all and thus create HEAVEN ON EARTH!

    God is GREAT!
    God Bless Everyone!
    Especially the bumbling 'elite' – THANK YOU for WAKING US ALL UP!

  2. Aint nun yall bin duz dun did evun undestan wat beyin blak iz bout n sheeit bruh cuz yall bin duh raysizm shizzle gainst duh nizzles n kweenz bruh !!! Yall gotz duh wayte peepo suplermisiz plivrij n sheeit bruh !!! Shizzle wizzle dizzle mai nizzle !!!

  3. As a member of the people from whom the word "slave" was named and a citizen of a country that was never a colonizer of Africa and from which the natives (exclusively white) leave because of the economic situation, I would like someone to tell me to my face what my privileges are just because of the color of my skin ..

  4. Guys like 5:30 are half the reason why I left vancouver. I'll leave those morons to hate themselves for no good reason. And half the dudes there have his condescending, smarmy little upspeak voice! So annoying. I can't befriend a guy who talks like a teenage girl.

    And that complete B.S. "aryan calculator" definitely just assigns a random value. This really shouldn't be funded by tax money, zero effort, zero talent, creepy undertones.

  5. The exhibit in this gallery looks like a highschool crafts project, they got funding for this joke?
    How much funding did this crappy art project cost?
    This is what happens when you are a racist and think your an artist as well I guess.
    To have a test to see how aryan you are? Whoever set that one up must be really fun, probably thinks there are racists everywhere, even in their cereal…..

  6. I feel bad for the artists that made this exhibit. You must really lack talent if the best idea you can think of is putting iPads on the wall with a few filters. Wouldn’t be surprised to find out that the quotes were written by Chat GPT too.

  7. Coming soon: Exhibition called "A pictorial history of freeloaders who did not contribute to the building of Canada." Some might call it an anti-black/ anti-gay display, but all's fair amirite?

  8. Maybe they are just learning this so they can't be as subtle? Art exaggerates to communicate often? If this comment is not welcome or appropriate I guess you'll mute me!

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