Art Vandalism. Shahzia Sikander #artnews

45 thoughts on “Art Vandalism. Shahzia Sikander #artnews

  1. Yes, leave it standing. The message is so loud I'm going deaf as I type this out. These people aren't pro-life, they just don't want to lose even more control and importance to the inevitability of time/progress, which seems to favor a more liberated society. Inevitably shifting hierarchies. This is an intimidation attempt, a poorly thought-out one, in a fit of hate.

  2. I am a deeply conservative man. But when me and my ex were younger in college she was an amazing artist. What made me fall in love with her and come to this channel was this drawing she was working on of holding her own severed head in the hands of her nude corpse covered in cuts, bruises, different words like prude, whore, virgin, slut, nerd, object. She explained that as a beautiful woman that this is how the world saw her. What it told her. Nothing but contradictions because people lose themselves and dont have any self awareness. I am pro life except in cases of proven rape. Seeing this just made me understand even more just how right she was about how society views women. I have no right to tell anyone else what to do. I dont, and this was so wrong that it proved the point of the statue in the first place.

  3. Had nothing to do with female empowerment it was a satanic statue placed there. People didn’t like it so it shows you Gods people are superior and aren’t with the evil shit.

  4. The artist wanting to leave it damaged is the most METAL response and takes the meaning to a whole new level. A sculpture about women's resilience in the face of adversity being LITERALLY vandalized is so… on the nose? I don't even have words.

  5. If you have the audacity to destroy someone's hard work, at least have the decency to show your face after the fact. Coward! Whoever did something like this is a coward for not sharing its face and saying "I did it!". If you are going to do such an act at least have the balls to stand by it.

  6. I wish there was a wave of adding goats into art like any form of art bc I love how even if there’s a bit of goat imagery these Uber religious ppl just assume it HAS to be devil related lolol

  7. This is horrific, and far too telling of the current ascendant state of violent misogyny.

    RBG is at least partially responsible for the overturning of Roe. She should have stepped down early in Obama's second term. She was old and had had multiple bouts of cancer. The chances of a gop administration following Obama was pretty good.

    Or at least she didn't need to officiate a wedding during Covid quarantine immediately following another bout with cancer.

  8. Old Roman temples were refurbished as Christian churches. Pan, with his horns and hooves, was reburbished as well. Such is the nature of panic.

  9. I am pro-abortion, and I hate this sculpture. The ram horns, the bird-cage dress, the tentacles instead of arms? knowing the visual representation of what arms are, this is not empowering

  10. I don't support the destruction of art but I gotta ask how does that statue represent female empowerment? Its ugly as fuck. It looks like some demonic H.R. Giger creation. Also its the same statue that they put on the nyc courthouse where it stands out like a sore thumb among the other classical grey/white statues.

  11. Now i may be male but yeah anti abortion isn't good neither is pro i see both pros and cons but yeah just fuckin sucks how stupid people are

  12. I read this quote the other day saying ,"I'm embarrassed to live in the generation that laughs at a baby being ripped limb from limb in the womb but will cry when being called the wrong pronoun."

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