Banksy REPRODUCED #bansky #artnews


50 thoughts on “Banksy REPRODUCED #bansky #artnews

  1. it's actually good bcus we all remeber that tv parabole stolen bcus it has banksy on it, it's harmful to people who actually have that properties, to prevent crime & vandalism they duped it

  2. It makes sense they did this I don’t usually side with people who mess with his art but it seems like this was near an entrance and if so would definitely be making huge traffic jams and crowds making it difficult for people to come and go from the zoo

  3. Reading the comments idk how to feel. Personally I thought it was the right thing because of the recent protests going on around uk & people stealing his art in the midst of it.

  4. It does make a little bit of sense. People who will go there for the purpoae of seeing a banksy will go to wherever the original banksy is being moved to/preserved instead. If it helps prevent a crowd and makes things a little safer for animals/people then it seems reasonable.

  5. Dude if I was banksy I would be pissed people are literally destroying part of the concept for the art by taking it away from the public when they clearly want it to be viewed by the public as part of the art itself.

  6. I don't think they had someone reproduce it. I've been there a few days ago and it looks like they just printed a high Quality picture of the Artwork on a flat piece of… Something (wood? Plastic? Idk) All the texture was just gone, kinda disappointing.

    But I kinda understand why they did that – it's their main entrance and of course the zoo wants to use it again without destroying the (priceless) art

  7. Wow that's stupid, literally just a sealant layer that can be cleaned of graffiti/dirt would suffice. How about we just enjoy the art instead of sealing it away for rich people, the irony of repainting an exact copy as if one is somehow worth so much more than the other… like banksy isn't dead, why are we treating his art like some rare artifact, it's stupid and pretentious, banksy literally makes fun of these people and yet they're still acting like this. Honestly he's a genius for staying a mystery, if he showed himself the value of his work would drop, if he was never a mystery he probably wouldn't be famous either.

  8. I think replacing it is a good idea purely from a safety sense.

    For the people who want to see the mural but don't care about the name, they'll still go. For people who would crowd bc banksy but not go in, it'll def cut down on them, which good bc if its a used entrance thats a hazard. And people who went there bc zoo and "we're going to the zoo!" will still be going bc that was their plan anyway. And anyone who would want to damage it bc its a banksy will be less likely to do so bc it's not og, which is good bc its a ZOO entrance and if they physically damaged it bad enough someone else could get in and harm the animals.

    They might be working on a way to display the og on the inside but who knows, but if they did auction it and all proceeds went back to the animals ir conservation, would that be bad? Hypothetically if it did go back bc who knows!

  9. Ok i honestly think this was the best thing they could’ve done. The plaque mentions that this is their front entrance so they can’t leave it closed but people may harass workers or tamper with the door to see (or steal) the original. But they also want his work to still be seen by his intended audience. By replacing the original with a copy, their door stays intact and the people get to see his work. Plus it being a fake might deter people from tampering with it during the day.

    The only issue i have is with the preservation of the original, but even then that’s tied to my old views of Banksy and not acknowledging that he’s more of a performative artist now. The sudden appearance of his work and how the people react is now just an interactive performance that Banksy profits from

  10. Yes but as a society we have built the artist up so high to the point where people will do what they can to achieve it for themselves. Society will always have rich careless people who can do stuff like this, so why worry when it's partly our fault. I hate social media.

  11. Look people were already taking the other ones from this series, and a zoo budget cannot support replacing a secure door all the time or cleaning it if someone messes with it. I hope they sell the original and use the money to help the animals!

  12. I think it would be highly funny if they hired someone who is killed in “street art” to reproduce this and it was in fact just banksy in his human skin

  13. Correct me if im wrong The painting looks like its on a shutter to the zoo this isnt a simple put a screen over it to protect it,
    They need that gate open to allow the crowd's in without forming crowds plus the shutters are there to already protect the zoo at night it would 100 percent be graffitied over night
    I assume there moving the shutter indoors to keep it in abetter public view and protected and can now use both shutters to open during busy times of the zoo

  14. I hate how mystified their work has become. Street art was something anyone could enjoy and kind of a middle finger to authority, now authority is making anything Banksy makes into a product.

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