Boy Scouts Selling Art #artnews

42 thoughts on “Boy Scouts Selling Art #artnews

  1. Good, they’re being responsible and acknowledging how much they effed up. Unlike the Catholic Church that for years has asked their congregations to donate to their “legal” fund. They are so damn shameless even my Boomer parents refuse to attend their services now.

  2. I had some my best childhood memories in boyscouts as a single child living in a neighborhood without any kids, every week we would meet and once a month we would go on a camping trip. I have so many great memories of all the hijinks we would get up to with little supervision, whether that was seeing how big of a fire we could make or how far could you throw your knife and have it stick into a tree.

  3. I was part of scouts as it kid. Luckily everyone at my branch was incredibly nice and it was genuinely a fun and enjoyable experience were I was able to learn lots. It’s a shame other members of the group have then sometime that was initially supposed to be good to do bad and hurt others

  4. I’m glad they’re settling accounts with their awful past so they can have a future. Changing the name is just part of that. I had to become a Boy Scout in order to do search & rescue training and it irked me so deeply 30 years ago that if the tables were turned, out of our s&r class of 30, the 17 men said they would absolutely not join the Girl Scouts in order to volunteer in s&r, but all 13 women had joined the Boy Scouts in order to serve.

  5. It makes me sad hearing this. I am a Scout form the Netherlands where we don't really have a difference between Boy and Girl Scouts. It really hurts to see others not have a good childhood because of their leaders, WHICH THEY LOOK UP TO. It honestly fucking sad.

  6. I'm involved with my local girls troop and we have a heavy emphasis on the two deep leadership rule. BSA has come a long way and all the new rules and systems in place to keep people safe and provide more structure within the program is really amazing. Despite the complicated history I'm very proud of modern BSA

  7. Wait…. We all know that celibacy causes child molesting per the Catholic Church, and Boy Scouts themselves banned gay scout leaders because gay sex causes child molesting!

    Boy Scouts solved their problems by banning gay men and Catholics need only ban celibate men to never have another child molested.

    😂😂 Bigots never seem to understand that bigotry doesn't solve anything. It only fails to see the problem because it isn't capable of being logical. If you can convince yourself that a group of people are responsible for molesting children, then you are obviously too bigoted to realize that anyone can molest children, bigots included 😢

  8. It’s so sad that something so innocent and good intentioned like scout troops attract the wrong kind of people. It’s never these kids’s fault and it’s not the founder of Boy Scouts’ fault, it’s either. Their sweet idea was turned into a magnet for monsters 🙁

  9. I’m an Eagle Scout, who was forced at 16 to denounce homosexuality to achieve the final step of my journey, even though I knew I was gay.
    I would love to participate in this new and better version of my childhood.

  10. Great opportunity to restart as Scouts of America and stop the weird gender segregation that the US puts on scouting. Attending the world scout jamboree in west virginia 2019 was thw weirdest scouting experience of my life. American boys need to learn haw to talk to a girl and not make it weird. They need to learn that girls and boys can be friends. That girls can be scouts and go out camping and sailing and fishing and whatever. That i can share a tent with a guy friend and it is not strange.

  11. My father performed the act of non-alive back in 2010, and my mom said that during a really bad episode of depression he'd remarked how he used to chain himself to a tree out in the forest when he was a kid. He never explained why he did it and refused to talk about it any further after that, but he used to go to the boy scouts a lot growing up as his dad (my grandfather) worked there as their plumber. I strongly think he was abused by the staff there and never told anybody about it, and I often question if what happened in those woods was part of what drove him to his early departure.

    I'm glad some of the survivors are suing the boy scouts for all the irreparable damage that has been done to this country's youth. No amount of money can undo the damage done to these children, but it can send a clear message for reform so that no future generations have to suffer the same abuse.

  12. As a current Scout working towards Eagle (and a girl who joined in 2019), the organization has made drastic policy changes to prevent similar incidents from happening again. Obviously, it’s still much too late for many victims, but these changes have made a difference. The Two-Deep leadership rule and the Youth Protection Training policies are enforced in any inperson or online communications. Finally, there’s a no tolerance policy for any adults touching or hurting a scout, resulting in a lifelong ban from scouting (and any additional legal penalties).

  13. For the record, not all of the boy scouts were like this. I'm very upset by the wrongdoings of this organization. I still believe in the scout ways. My father, he worked for this organization as volunteer outreach. He really belived in old time scout moto, oath, law. But someone whom later got arrested and sent to jail for embezzlement canned him after more than 20 years.

    I will pity the scouts. But I could never dismiss them.

  14. As a lifelong member of a different countries Scout organisation that also is addressing historic cases, it’s sad to see how many predators used the worlds biggest youth movement to facilitate their crimes. Hopefully the structures now in place will protect future scouts.

    (Side note, the acronym was previously BSA, so is it now SA? Not the best name lol)

  15. As a former Girl Scout, the amount of horror stories I've heard about the Boy Scouts of America are absolutely petrifying. I'm so sorry for y'all and I hope you're all in a safe place now. The most dramatic thing that ever happened in my scouting experience was that 3 girls went on our troop-paid trip to Great Wolf Lodge before immediately leaving the troop afterwards to start their own troop because they clearly just wanted us to pay for their vacation.

  16. Honestly I think the new Girl Scouts name is worse.

    “Scouting the draft” just does roll off the tongue as well though I guess they gotta pull that money together somehow

  17. I like that the scouts are including girls as well because i was a girl scout growing up and all we did was sell cookies and do arts and crafts we didn't do anything the boy scouts did at all which was the entire reason i joined the girl scouts at all so combining the two groups and having everyone doing the same things while having more adult women to supervise and hopefully deter more abuse from happening is over all a net positive

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