Competition for Staff Heats Up in Los Angeles Galleries


The art market in Los Angeles has seen a surge in new gallery branches opening, with a wave of New York and European galleries making their mark. This trend has led to a shuffle in gallery director positions, with many experienced professionals taking on new roles in the city. Local talent is being sought after, as the understanding grows that the Los Angeles art scene is diverse and requires insiders to navigate successfully. This shift towards hiring from within the community is seen as a positive development, allowing for deeper connections with artists and clients, as well as paving the way for more international galleries to establish a presence in California. With a growing job market in the arts sector, opportunities are opening up for various roles within galleries, from entry-level positions to senior management. This trend is also pushing galleries to professionalize and invest in their employees, as competition for talent increases. Overall, the art scene in Los Angeles is evolving, with new faces and perspectives shaping the industry for the future.



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