Sleight of Hand by Ilê Sartuzi #conceptualart #performanceart #artnews


25 thoughts on “Sleight of Hand by Ilê Sartuzi #conceptualart #performanceart #artnews

  1. These are amateur reasons to be irritated with Britain. Here’s a good one they went around the world, forcing other people to have their flag and all these countries they had amazing spices and food yet they have the most bland food on earth, but they had access to the most amazing spices in the world. It’s just insane

  2. Knowing how good people can make replicas at this day and age, I cannot understand the insistence these museums have to keep the stolen artifacts to themselves. I can understand the research part, but even so, most of the people visiting wouldn't know the difference.

    I, personally, wouldn't care if I'm seeing is the original or a replica, as long as the replica has been made well. What I care about is the history and knowledge those artifacts can tell us, not the artifacts themselves. An average person like me has no reason to see or touch the originals, I wouldn't be able to tell either way. Average joes who'd complain about this (bc I know there's bound to be some) I wouldn't be able to understand their reasons – like, what's the issue if the replica is identical to the original? You wouldn't be able to touch it anyways.

    I've visited the Natural History Museum in London. I would feel better about the stolen artifacts if I knew they were returned to where they were taken from and know that the things in front of me were just very well-made replicas. Again, they're all behind glass anyways, I wouldn't know the difference. 🤷‍♀️

    This would also solve the issues that museums can damage some artifacts, with people viewing them and taking pictures with flash. No need to worry about this anymore.

    And this is just adding to the tangent, but sometimes I can't help but to think back on the museums from WW2 that were destroyed, along with their artifacts and fossils. I can't help but to ponder the what-ifs, and the loss future generations would have about everything we have stored in these places if they were to be destroyed. 😓

  3. I dont understand why we insist on having museums showing what is essentially the history and culture of other countries, when we have loads of history and historical artefacts in our own country.

  4. I visited the museum a few days ago with my friend. We found it ironic how tourists from various countries had traveled just to see their own history lmao.

  5. i dont mind the artifacts so much its that much of the stuff was taken from graves. even in english history museums we have mummified corpses and skeletons and so on on display. cruel.

  6. The British colonizers are disappointed in THAT..??????!!!!!!! The only thing they should be doing is giving all their shit back, not sanctimoniously commenting on someone doing a harmless piece.

  7. I suppose this isn’t feasible because it may not be safe for the artifacts but I wish the artifacts could just be in circulation around the globe. So that everyone could have an opportunity to see most items and exhibitions in their own country. Some people will NEVER have the money for a trip abroad and that’s just a fact but it shouldn’t deprive them of the opportunity to learn history and see it with their own eyes.

  8. They say “if we give it back they won’t take care of it. Then proceed to loose something they barely care about but the locals would fight tooth and nail to get back

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