Tate Modern Trades Turners for Der Blaue Reiter: An Artistic Exchange

Pre-pandemic, the Lenbachhaus in Munich collaborated with Tate to exchange key artworks for special exhibitions. This led to Germany showcasing a significant J.M.W. Turner collection, while Tate Modern is set to present the first Der Blaue Reiter exhibition in decades. The upcoming London exhibition, “Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and the Blue Rider,” aims to highlight the diverse collaborative practices of early Modernist artists beyond well-known male figures. The focus is on exploring Kandinsky’s multifaceted creative endeavors and connections with fellow artists, musicians, and performers. The exhibition will showcase the spiritual, colorful, and expressive works of Der Blaue Reiter artists, emphasizing their lasting influence and the collective’s innovative approach to Modernist art. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the transcultural European Modernist legacy at Tate Modern in London from April 25 to October 20.


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