The Art Market: Léonce Rosenberg’s Struggle as both Salesman and Modern Art Champion

Léonce Rosenberg, an influential Jewish-French art dealer, faced challenges within the art market during the interwar period. Despite changing circumstances, his gallery, L’Effort Moderne, showcased a diverse range of artists and styles, breaking boundaries and defying traditional norms. Rosenberg’s identity and aesthetic choices were closely intertwined, reflecting a complex and evolving understanding of Cubism. His business strategies, though not always successful, left a lasting impact on the art world. Through a thematic exploration, Giovanni Casini sheds light on Rosenberg’s contributions to Modernism and Cubism, painting a nuanced portrait of a man caught between artistic vision and market demands. The legacy of Rosenberg and his gallery continues to be examined and appreciated in the ongoing exhibition at the Musée Picasso in Paris.


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