Art exhibit allows the blind and visually impaired to experience iconic paintings

31 thoughts on “Art exhibit allows the blind and visually impaired to experience iconic paintings

  1. the coarseness of the textiles to be smooth or more coarse to feel the lighter shades of color, textures to represent what that it depicts.

  2. 🖼 ~ Booo, we don’t like the word “Inclusive“. That scares those on the right wing. Lol.

    I mean, I am serious but there is some truth to how many people are trying to make things so inclusive to minority groups to the extreme. So pandering or doing it to the extreme is ridiculous. But so many people now view any attempt at inclusivity as bad. And I don’t agree that it’s bad.

  3. That is a beautiful wonderful idea! I hope he's able to do more artwork and let those who are blind experience the beauty they could never see before!

  4. Starry night by Vincent Van Gogh is a perfect painting for this treatment. I saw the original in a museum and as you walk by it the light travels around the swirling ridges of paint.

  5. What a great idea, and offered by a man so creative, and generous with his time, as to devise a way to let the visually impaired feel not just the brush strokes, but touch the detail in his 3-dimensional interpretations of very famous paintings.

  6. Even blind people are going to see art. People in the hood have zero interests. Even laughing at me and calling me a weirdo because I love art. And when I was at the louvre museum there were no people that looked like me there unless they worked as security. The only ones enjoying the art were mainly asians and white people. And now blind people can too. ❤

  7. So inspiring ! What a great idea. Tomas feel so rewarded to know that he is literally giving sight to the blind.
    Hopefully, other artists will follow Tomas and create "paintings " that can be experienced by those who cannot see.

  8. Hello, Im a student working on a project to make visual art more accessible to the visually impaired. Its a spatial sound experience uploaded on my channel… do check it out if ur interested! ( In hopes it reaches the art lovers who wish to experience art at home )

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