Museum of Ice Cream sued over its sprinkle pool

26 thoughts on “Museum of Ice Cream sued over its sprinkle pool

  1. The “no diving” sign implies that a person shouldn’t go head first. This guy jumped in feet first. The diving boards are misleading and should be removed. Making the bottom of the pool softer would be helpful.
    However, he signed a waiver so he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Pun intended.

  2. I'm so sorry for your injury and those expensive bills you need to pay but at this point you're just announce your stupidity one after another and yelling for someone to help wiping your mess.

    there's no one here to blame. it's your careless accident. next time before diving into any water or anything, please dip your foot first to confirm how deep it is. next time it might cause you your life diving into something unknown.

  3. I understand that he should have used better sense and not jumped into an art exhibit as if it were a diving pool. BUT there needs to be some accountability placed onto the museum when they included a diving board.

    “BuT tHeRe ArE sIGnS tHaT sAy No DiViNg.”

    Yeah yeah. But if you all agreed that this guy was right and that his injury was the museums fault, then you’d all be saying “signs and waivers don’t excuse the museum’s liability”. This comment section is just full of people who have decided that the guy was a complete idiot. If enough people in the comments section start to believe the museum was at fault, then all of you will be editing your opinions.

    We went to a local aquarium that has a kids splash pad. One of the features is a flower bowl that fills up with water. It’s literally shaped and sized so that kids can sit on the petals and put their feet down into the bowl full of water. A staff member kept coming up to kids and saying, “no sitting in the flower!” Well ma’am, then remove it. Because it’s the only thing in the splash pad that you won’t let the kids climb on. It’s sized and shaped for kids to sit on it. Remove it if you don’t want kids to use it for its obvious purpose.

    So the first thing this museum should have done was remove the diving board.

  4. "Give warnings" this is ridiculous. People are absolutely stupid and brain dead. These adults should be embarrassed for their reaction to their mistakes.

  5. It amazes me the amount of people that will sue others for their own stupidity. Admit you messed up and made a dumb choice and own your own results. I fell yesterday doing a delivery and got hurt badly and guess what, I’m not gonna sue anyone for my own luck and clumsiness. Get a life and hobby and maybe a job dude!

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