Banksy’s final work in animal art trail appears on London Zoo gates | BBC News


31 thoughts on “Banksy’s final work in animal art trail appears on London Zoo gates | BBC News

  1. When gay matter to wiper to UK policy from here, food good, prostitute is better still as occuoy as Japan cult. It also let me sports or muscle. Something assign me to segregate old female and girl and anthropology to Asia import and the growth. It food, prostitute and health bad and poor like litte girl. Thailand gogobar food often. though shoot old female, but initally sushi eater status where male each other eat and serve without female. work is pokemon card game each other without female. Then, it left young girl and gay observer. Curious is the Japan male extremly repel magnetic feilds maker opposite European import.
    By the way, the observer must do is soldiermandate as war monger. demand than prostitute is told like David Bowie Somali war. What they do is like eviction refusal like that..socalled couch potato? and soldier appy rang is limited to Japanlanguage valid…like they sticker everywhere like Tokyo at a glance. domestic training is limited within where bamboo exist…ironically. when not they cannot rice boil…when…for example Australia use for anti Aborigine or China, they suddenly radiohead as war symptom exaagerate like that forever…never responsivility. Then, troublesome. What I know is like regional promotion to Australia and so on rather than soldiermandate penalty til civil combat deply.

  2. Banksy: I'll put a graffiti on the gates of the zoo showing the imprisoned animals escaping to freedom Zoo: We can monetize that and bring even more people to see the imprisoned animals…

  3. "And isn't Ironic don't you think"
    Sweep it under the rug, I'd go as far as saying Bansky is delivering what some would say is a Far Right message Anti authoritarian may be. And the poor sods got the midas touch 😢

  4. Imagine, if only we could paint the world a better place. At least Banksy's work is bringing people together, if only for a moment they gather together with new life and excitement at what they've found all sharing that moment. Life keeps us way too busy and is far too demanding of us. I totally understand why the lost boys never wanted to grow up. As grown ups we tend to lose that excitement for life weighed down by what's expected of us. I hope Banksy keeps creating what inspires their art. If we could only see like children again we'd find the joy in life that's often hard to find. Hope was never lost and found, it has always been around.

  5. Zoos are mostly animal prisons, animals should not be gawked at in tiny cages. Look up sanctuaries as a model which actually serves and protects animals. I saw loud dance parties at the LA zoo nearby pacing big cats, elephants, monkeys. People dont actually care about animals.

  6. Im pretty sure these pieces are a call to not cage wild animals hence the other pieces are the already escaped animals and the gorrilla is freeing the last of them hence the message is all life should live free and not in cages to be gawked at!!😅

  7. The british have lost all there moral standards , promoting a criminal act of graffiti teaching kids to do the same , all round my area where there is a boys and girls school there is graffiti ,this country has total lost the plot

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